Below we have the complete list of all working Infinity Kingdom Codes. All of the codes are up-to-date and double-checked by etosion before getting shared here!
Infinity Kingdom Codes (Full List)
- karakulova
- orange
- Aliev
- sweetcherry
- sirtagcr
- lvl3booster
- smoothie
- hellhades
- vilis
- skratch
- deadwood
- hellhades
- vikings
- klaus
- pineapple
- firdavs
- fleisch
- galadon
- bonheur
- judosloth
- thxbooster
- ikdiscord
- ikvklove
- kennyjo
- huaweiik
- huaweiapp
- duckhunter
- returngift
- sumsangus
- godson
Expired Codes
- childrensday
- sweeties
- trofimov
- trofimov
- edgar
- loveuall
- martynova
- staysafe
- sosyak
- superluck
- summerday
- lyubimov
- joindiscord
- shabanova
- rsssellerbad
- mukharev
- sweethug
- loserfruit
- rifty
- bordie
- messyourself
- oompaville
- grothe
- merlinday
- nozdrin
- gorgeousday
- eroshov
- tribegame
- legendrhony
- beakerslab
- brandof2p
- stunningday
- losev
- tgiafd
- noharm
- dragothien
- aprilfools
- foolsday
- worthyprince
- lastswagger
- shinchi
- omniarch
- fleisch
- stridox
- jeffo
- ayeyahzee
- shiningday
- gnuschenko
- noraverse
- aevatrex
- brad
- tom
- kairostime
- lex
- iferg
- rey
- chiefpat
- clashwitheric
- infinity
- censor
- echogame
- nagatogame
- luckyfeb
- Murzakhanov
- carbonfin
- valentine
- natwithaheart
- ojgame
- samsung
How to use Infinity Kingdom Gift Codes?
Follow these simple steps to redeem the IK Giftcodes we shared above:
1. Tap on your avatar locating at the top left of the screen.
2. Next, go to the Settings menu, being located at the bottom right of the screen:
3. Tap on Redeem to go to the Gift Redemption menu.
4. Enter the gift codes you got from the list at the top of this page:
5. Press Confirm and receive rewards:
The amount of rewards might seem not a lot to you, however, if you use all of the redemption codes above, you will definitely receive a huge amount of free resources that definitely help you in the long term of the game.
Keep coming back to this page for more gifts in the future. We will do our best to update the list every day!
Unfortunately, many of these codes have gone out-of-date. I think IK invalidates old codes when they post new weekly codes. I’m not sure if that’s always been the case or not.
Updated the list! Thanks buddy!
Seems like the codes are not working. Only godson worked. Is it only useable once a day?
I have just updated the list above! Thank you a lot!
New code:
Thank you so much!
thxbooster, ikdiscord, ikvklove didn’t work for me.
New code:
New code:
Thank you a lot! You rock!
New code:
Thank you a ton!
New Code:
Thank you a lot buddy!
New Code