The Lost Kingdom (KvK) Guide

Ultimate Rise of Kingdoms KvK – The Lost Kingdom guide that you will ever need to read!

Rise of Kingdoms KvK Lost Kingdom

One of the numerous events becoming reachable and approachable to the alliances who manages the Lost Temple in their home kingdom is the Lost Kingdoms. The location of the Lost Temple is in the kingdom center, in Zone 3.

This ultimate Lost Kingdom Guide is a useful instruction for amateurs and also for skilled players who are questioning how to get in The Lost Kingdom and what should do during the time they are in there. In this guide, I am going to present all things that are essential for you right now while you are on that map.

Below are several important points about how The Lost Kingdom is activated:

  • The map unlocking follows the completion of the Eve of the Crusade.
  • The Lost Kingdom is going to endure for 60 days
  • Alliances who take part in the map come from 8 different kingdoms
  • Upon participating in The Lost Kingdom, the player will be spawned randomly
  • You begin at Zone 4 with the middle of map being Zone 7 in The Lost Kingdom

When does KvK Seasons Start?

The Lost Kingdom is divided into numerous seasons, each season occurs on a specific number of days for each kingdom. Listed below are three seasons which begin following the completion of the previous season:

  • Season 1 KvK begins in 85 to 105 days.
  • Season 2 KvK begins in 50 days after the completion of Season 1.
  • Season 3 KvK begins in 60 days after the completion of Season 2.

How to Teleport to the Lost Kingdom Map?

For the purpose of teleporting to The Lost Kingdom Map, it’s required that your alliance has to control the Lost Temple. In other words, teleporting to The Lost Kingdom map is impossible for you if your alliance do not take control the Lost Temple.

At the moment that the Kingdoms vs Kingdoms (KvK) begins, you are capable of observing a small castle icon which will lead you to teleport to The Lost Kingdom on the upper right corner of the screen (Past Glory). Then a new event begins, allowing you and your alliance work mutually.

Just after selecting the teleport button, an affirmation window will appear. This window consists of all the necessary information for example, which region you will teleport to. At the beginning of KvK event, each region possesses their own region to begin at.

The game will start again and you will respawn at a random position in the interior of your kingdom’s region as stated above. You are also able to observe the Events, which normally contained a variety of advanced and fascinating things for you to do, as well as wonderful prizes to gain at the upper right corner.

What is Honor Roll?

Honor Roll may be so familiar with some of you guys; however, for beginners who just get started with Rise of Kingdoms, this guide may contain beneficial and applicable information. Similar to Alliance Contribution system, Honor Roll simply is a contributor, which permits you to donate your resources to your alliance equipment.

Honor Roll is divided into three classes, based on the rankings of individual, alliance and kingdom. This is a method to evaluate abilities of players, alliances and kingdoms in terms of performance against each other.

Honor Roll is a Contributor System based on rankings of:

  • Individual Ranking
  • Alliance Ranking
  • Kingdom Ranking

The contributors who obtained the highest points by carrying out diverse activites as presented in the table below will be revealed as the top contributors.

Honor Points Activity
5 Defeat Level 26-30 Barbarians
8 Defeat Level 31-35 Barbarians
10 Defeat Level 36-40 Barbarians
3 Completing gathering at a resource point
15 Destroy a Level 6 Barbarian Fort
25 Destroy a Level 7 Barbarian Fort
35 Destroy a Level 8 Barbarian Fort
45 Destroy a Level 9 Barbarian Fort
60 Destroy a Level 10 Barbarian Fort

Individual Ranking

The individual ranking is revealed depending on each governor’s capability to achieve Honor Points. Governor getting the top points will be the top contributors in The Lost Kingdom. Bonus tip, More honor points will be given to you when you succeed to keep incessant occupation of an ancient ruins/altar of darkness. 

Alliance Ranking

The alliance ranking is revealed depending on all governors’ honor points within a particular alliance who try together to speedily achieve much more honor points. By just doing these activities as referred above, the top 50 alliances will obtain a plenty of rewards. In addition, your alliance are able to earn lots of honor points by controlling:

  • The first occupation of a holy site.
  • Persistent occupation of a holy site or pass.
  • Continual occupation of ancient ruins or altar of darkness.

Kingdom Ranking

The alliance ranking is revealed depending on each kingdom’s capability to gain honor points. All of alliances who belongs to a particular kingdom will plus each honor points into under an only one kingdom. Amazing prizes from the event will be awarded when competing with other 7 kingdoms. 

Crusader Achievements

There is a place called The Crusader Achievements where governors, alliances and kingdoms are able to earn a plenty of rewards by implementing the achievements in The Lost Kingdom map. Let’s do them, cause it absolutely will be helpful for you to power level your commanders and  grow your total power. 


Similar to Monument, Twilight is kind of The Lost Kingdom Chronicles in your home kingdom. You can figure out it in your city and it provides you a rough idea of each event’s purpose, time interval and progression. You are also capable of achieving rewards if your kingdom controls to be successful. Moreover, Twilight may tell you about what’s going to occur in advance.

Past Glory

Besides the events mentioned above, there is also some events within The Lost Kingdom map itself namely Past Glory. Past Glory is a multi-stages event which is made especially for The Lost Kingdom. In this event, for the purpose of obtaining rebuilding points and a plenty of rewards, It’s required your kingdom, alliances and yourself contribute resources, kill barbarians and contribute your own commander sculptures.

  • Stage 1: Contribute your resources.
  • Stage 2: Kill barbarians and forts.
  • Stage 3: Contribute your commander sculptures.

Over to you!

Finally, it’s the end of this guide, Governors! I trust you discovered this guide on The Lost Kingdom is useful and instructive. Don’t forget that with the aim of entering the Lost Kingdom Map, it’s essential for your alliance to take control the Lost Temple.

In my kingdom, in order to make sure that our kingdom have fighting opportunity in The Lost Kingdom, we follow a pattern that the top alliances go firstly. After that, next strongest alliance attempts and so on.

Moreover, in Lost Kingdom, all of the alliances that belongs to your kingdom will be united under only one banner and color. In other words, your kingdom are required to unite to advance toward the heart of the map. In this map, enormous combat always occur with numerous players fighting against for governance of The Lost Kingdom.

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