Complete Past Glory Event Guide

Past Glory is a multi-step event in The Lost Kingdom map in Rise of Kingdoms. To take part in this event, simply access it through the menu in The Lost Kingdom map.

past glory event Rise of Kingdoms

Participating in Past Glory is just simple progress. All you have to do is gathering rebuilding points until it reaches 100%. Then, you must attack your opponents and finally, get higher rewards by spending your commander sculptures.

I will discuss the details of the Past Glory event in this basic guide. If you are a newbie to Rise of Kingdoms and don’t know what to do with this event, or you just want to maximize your rewards, then, this guide is exactly what you need. Let’s get started!

Past Glory Event

Eventually, we have got back our control of Crusader fortress. Many years ago, these imposing buildings belonged to our antecedents. However, barbarians living in the kingdom at that time started a fight to take them and betray our ancestors. But now, we have finally retrieve them. But through many years of wars and being attacked many times, these fortresses need repair. We have to rebuild it and commemorate our ancestors’ glory.

Past Glory Rules

  1. The Past Glory event is divided into 3 steps.
  2. After finishing one step, all of the players will get a boost that is only available in The Lost Kingdom map.
  3. When the Past Glory ends, these crusader fortresses will be reconstructed and painted in the same color. At this time, players can go anywhere on recognized alliances’ regions in their kingdom.
  4. If you don’t finish the Past Glory event on time, it will be automatically done with no rewards.

Past Glory Event Steps

In the Past Glory event, there are a total of 3 steps that you have to complete before receiving rewards. There is the function of these 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Contributing resources such as gold, food, wood and stone.
  • Step 2: Murder barbarians and attack their fortresses.
  • Step 3: Contributing commander sculptures.

Past Glory Stage 1

Stage 1: Ashes & Dust

In stage 1 of this event, you should concentrate on reconstructing Crusader fortresses. Furthermore, you have to contribute your resources to gain rebuilding points.  Whenever you donate your property, you will achieve a Crusader’s Supply Chest, which includes rewarding items. Once your rebuilding progress fully reaches 100%, you are able  to move to the next stage.

Step-by-step guide for stage 1:

  1. Contribute your property to reconstruct the crusader fortresses.
  2. Receive Crusader’s Supply Chest every time you donate.
  3. The next stage begins when the rebuilding progress fully reaches 100%.
Resources Amount Limit Rewards
Food 300000 20 ·                    10 rebuilding points

·                    Crusader’s Supply Chest

Wood 300000 20 ·                    10 rebuilding points.

·                    Crusader’s Supply Chest

Stone 300000 20 ·                    10 rebuilding points

·                    Crusader’s Supply Chest

Gold 300000 20 ·                    10 rebuilding points

·                    Crusader’s Supply Chest

Gems 300000 20 ·                    50 rebuilding points

·                    Crusader’s Supply Chest

Nice game tips to complete stage 1:

At this stage, you will need a lot of resources to make progress. Before taking in the Past Glory event, I suggest that you should store your resources. Make sure that you receive plenty of food, wood, gold and stone from high-level resource points around the zones.

Collecting your alliance territory is also helpful because it will give you an additional 25% speed. Furthermore, owning a lot of resources will give you a chance to get more rebuilding points. You will need about 2,000,000 rebuilding points – which is definitely a lot.

Past Glory Stage 2

Stage 2: Annihilation

The following stage is Annihilation. At this stage, all players have to spend action points to kill barbarians and their barbarians, which help earn more rebuilding points. Additionally, players will also receive Crusader’s Supply Chest as a reward item for killing barbarians.

Here are two kinds of rewards for killing the cruel and brutal barbarians:

Requirements Costs Rewards
3 barbarians fortresses 420 action points ·       1 crusader’s bounty

·       100 rebuilding points

10 barbarians 500 action points ·       1 Crusader’s Resource Chest

·       50 rebuilding points

As you can see, attacking barbarians’ fortresses is the best way to earn more rebuilding points and rewards because it takes fewer action points than others if you are using one of the best barbarians for peacekeeping. Besides, you will have a chance to farm the Covenant Book.

Killing 10 barbarians will net you 50 rebuilding points and a supply chest. Killing 20 barbarians equivalents to damaging fortresses. Killing 2000  barbarians will give you a giant reward from the Crusader’s Achievements in your profile.

Game tips to get stage 1 done:

Striking barbarians’ fortresses is probably the best way to complete this stage. But to put aside action points, you had better use the chain-farming trick on barbarians which involve a commander with AoE ability and a peacekeeping commander to increase damage towards barbarians.

Aethelflaed and Baibars are chosen the most because they are slow, and tanky, infantry stack. Dispatch the army to attack a barbarian of high level and start kiting to adjust the barbarians to a group. When they fully reach the active skill, they will start to strike you without wasting any additional action points.

This strategy will work well if you have a solid commander pair that is responsible for beating and dish out a lot of damage to rapidly defeat barbarians. Farm barbarians for individual rewards, farm barbarian fortresses for alliance rewards.

past glory event Rise of Kingdoms

Stage 3: Heroism

What we do today will be written down in history.

Last but not least, the 3rd stage is Heroism where you will contribute unused commander sculptures to gain rebuilding points and heroic coins. It’s a great way to do that if you’ve got plenty of commander sculptures around but couldn’t use them because you’ve maximized your commanders out.

Here is how much you depend on the rarity of commander sculptures:

Donation Rewards
Advanced sculptures ·                    1 rebuilding points

·                    1 heroic coins

Elite sculptures ·                    1 rebuilding points

·                    2 heroic coins

Epic sculptures ·                    5 rebuilding points

·                    5 heroic coins

Legendary sculptures ·                    50 rebuilding points

·                    50 heroic coins

Every time you contribute with your commander sculptures, you will receive heroic coins, which you can use to buy goods in Hero’s Welcome event. You will be able to buy expensive things like Legendary commander sculptures, golden keys and more.

Game tips for stage 3:

Before taking part in Hero’s Welcome event, I highly suggest that you should store your sculptures.  You can do this by going to the Expedition Store and buy featured Epic sculptures which can be purchased for an unlimited time. The more medal coins you have, the more sculptures you can buy and the more heroic coins that you can use to get even better rewards.

Helpful notes:

  • Join in Hero’s Welcome event if you are a spender
  • Epic sculptures can be purchased unlimitedly.
  • Epic sculptures are more valuable than Elite ones.


After finishing each stage, you will receive a special bonus that is only available in The Lost Kingdom map. When you return to your home kingdom, this bonus will disappear and get back when you teleport to The Lost Kingdom.

Stage 1

  • Troop Attack increased by 15%.
  • Troop Defense increased by 15%
  • Troop Health increased by 15%
  • Stage 1 Rewards

Stage 2

  • Hospital Capacity increased by 100%
  • Gathering Speed increased by 25%
  • Stage 2 Rewards

Stage 3

  • Discipline: It will unify all alliances on the map of the Lost Kingdom by one colour. This allows governors to teleport anywhere in the kingdom’s territory
  • Stage 3 rewards


That’s all governors! I hope that our guide of the Rise of Kingdoms Past Glory event is useful to you. Feel free to drop a comment in the comment section below.

You can get to the Lost Kingdom faster by not making these early mistakes, powering your commanders to level up and boosting your total power through time and dedication. And being in a top alliance is also helpful!

Governors, happy crusading The Lost Kingdom!

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