All of the Astralith’s information, guide, gears, and masteries building tips.
Basic Information
- Overview
- Stats (6★)
- Ratings
- Faction: Dark Elves
- Rarity: Legendary
- Role: Attack
- Affinity: Spirit
- HP: 17,175
- ATK: 1,487
- DEF: 947
- SPD: 102
- C.RATE: 15%
- C.DMG: 63%
- RESIST: 30
- ACC: 10
★★★✰✰ Campaign
★★★★✰ Arena Defense
★★★★★ Arena Offense
★★★★✰ Clan Boss
★★★★✰ Minotaur’s Labyrinth
★★★✰✰ Spider’s Den
★★★✰✰ Fire Knight’s Castle
★★★★✰ Dragon’s Lair
★★★★✰ Ice Golem’s Peak
★★★★✰ Void Keep
★★★★✰ Force Keep
★★★★✰ Spirit Keep
★✰✰✰✰ Magic Keep
Astralith’s Skills
Assault Leader [ATK]
Attacks 1 enemy. Fills the Turn Meter of a random ally by 15%. Fills the Turn Meter of all allies by a further 15% if this attack is critical.
Level: 2 Damage +5%
Level: 3 Damage +5%
Level: 4 Damage +5%
Level: 5 Damage +10%
Heart Rot [ATK] (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. Places 2 [Bomb] debuffs that detonate after 1 turns.
Level: 2 Damage +5%
Level: 3 Damage +10%
Level: 4 Damage +10%
Level: 5 Cooldown -1
Judgement (Cooldown: 7 turns)
Exchanges remaining HP levels with a target enemy, then attacks with the default skill. Cannot be used on a Boss. [Passive Effect] Gains an Extra Turn and decreases the cooldown of this Skill by 3 turns if this Champion’s HP drops below 20% when attacked.
Level: 2 Cooldown -1
Level: 3 Cooldown -1
Increases Ally SPD in the Arena by 28%
Best Gears for Astralith
- Arena/Campaign/Faction Wars
- Dungeons/Clan Boss
- 3 Speed Set
- 1 Retaliation Set, 1 Speed Set
Stat Priority
- Defense%, HP%, Speed, Accuracy
- Weapon (ATK)
- Helmet (HP)
- Shield (DEF)
- Gauntlets (DEF% / HP%)
- Chestplate (DEF% / HP%)
- Boots (SPD)
- Ring (DEF / HP)
- Amulet (DEF / HP)
- Banner (ACC)
- 1 Lifesteal Set, 1 Speed Set
Stat Priority
- Defense%, HP%, Speed, Accuracy
- Weapon (ATK)
- Helmet (HP)
- Shield (DEF)
- Gauntlets (DEF% / HP%)
- Chestplate (DEF% / HP%)
- Boots (SPD)
- Ring (DEF / HP)
- Amulet (DEF / HP)
- Banner (ACC)
Astralith has been improved and the guides do not reflect how potent she now is. Try her in campaign nightmare and see how much better she is than others of a higher rating in campaign. Then test her elsewhere for your own benefit