All of the Sinesha’s information, guide, gears, and masteries building tips.
Basic Information
- Overview
- Stats (6★)
- Ratings
- Faction: Knight Revenant
- Rarity: Epic
- Role: Support
- Affinity: Force
- HP: 17,340
- ATK: 892
- DEF: 1,255
- SPD: 101
- C.RATE: 15%
- C.DMG: 50%
- RESIST: 30
- ACC: 0
★★★★★ Campaign
★★★★★ Arena Defense
★★★★★ Arena Offense
★★★★✰ Clan Boss
★★★★★ Minotaur’s Labyrinth
★★★★★ Spider’s Den
★★★✰✰ Fire Knight’s Castle
★★★★★ Dragon’s Lair
★★★★★ Ice Golem’s Peak
★★★★★ Void Keep
★★★★★ Force Keep
★★★★✰ Spirit Keep
★★★★★ Magic Keep
Sinesha’s Skills
Burning Wave [ATK]
Attacks all enemies. Places an extra hit on enemies with less than 50% HP.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Vaporize [ATK] (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. Puts the target’s skills on cooldown. Heals the ally with the lowest HP by 25%.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Immortality (Cooldown: 6 turns)
Equalizes the HP of all allies. The HP levels of all allies will be brought up to the level of the ally with the highest HP. Then heals the target ally by 10% of their MAX HP.
Level 2: Heal +10%
Level 3: Heal +10%
Level 4: Heal +15%
Level 5: Heal +15%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Increases Ally HP in Faction Crypts by 31%.
Best Gears for Sinesha
- Arena/Campaign/Faction Wars
- Dungeons/Clan Boss
- 1 Retaliation Set, 1 Speed Set
- 2 Offense Set, 1 Speed Set
- 2 Defense Set, 1 Speed Set
Stat Priority
- Attack%, Defense%, Critical Rate, Speed, Resist
- Weapon (ATK)
- Helmet (HP)
- Shield (DEF)
- Gauntlets (Critical Rate)
- Chestplate (Attack% / Defense%)
- Boots (SPD)
- Ring (Attack / Defense)
- Amulet (Critical Damage / Defense)
- Banner (RESIST)
- 1 Lifesteal Set, 1 Speed Set
Stat Priority
- Attack%, Defense%, Critical Rate, Speed, Resist
- Weapon (ATK)
- Helmet (HP)
- Shield (DEF)
- Gauntlets (Critical Rate)
- Chestplate (Attack% / Defense%)
- Boots (SPD)
- Ring (Attack / Defense)
- Amulet (Critical Damage / Defense)
- Banner (RESIST)