RAID: Shadow Legends Promo Codes

Complete list of all working RAID: Shadow Legends promo codes that offer a lot of free resources for growing your account much faster. Redeem them now today to get the rewards!

Giving RAID codes is a great way to give back the community of the game, as well as give new players a better start by maximizing the freebies.

RAID Shadow Legends Promo Codes

All Raid Shadow Legends Promo Codes

  • RAIDXMAS21 – Some basic resources (For new players only)
  • TGASALE – Fayne + 1x Epic Skill Tome + 10x Greater Spirit Potion + 15x Greater Arcane Potion + 200K Silver
  • s1mple – 20x XP Brew + 100% XP Boost (3 days) + 4 Energy Potions + 350K Silver
  • RaidHFNOV21 – 3 Energy Potions + Rare Skill Books (For new account only)
  • REALHELL – 2 Epic Books + 3x 50 Multi-battles +  500 Energy + 1M Silver
  • spooky13 –  1 Epic Skill Book + 50 Multit-Battle Attempts x2 + 3 Full Energy Refills + 100% XP Boost (1 day)
  • PLARIUMPLAY – +100% XP Boost (1 day) + 1 Ancient Shard + 5 Full Energy Refills + 50 Multit-Battle Attempts (x3) + 500,000 Silvers
  • ESLPRO – 3 Energy Potions + Rare Skill Books (For new account only)
  • NINJA – 500k Silver, 150 Auto Battle, 3-day XP boost, 6 Energy Potions.
  • Updating.

Note: One account can only use a certain redeem code only one time. Do not try to spam it otherwise you might get banned for a few hours for abusing the system. There are also codes which are available for new players, or newly-returned players only, so make sure your accounts can use those as well.

Also, there are a lot of fake codes on the internet right now. People are sharing them just to gain more views for their videos, websites, or to claim your information so make sure you follow a trusted source (like us) before using them to avoid getting banned for spamming codes. If any website asks for your personal information, or your account information to claim the rewards, it is totally fake and you should never trust it.

raid promo code rewards

Expired RAID Codes

Below are the old codes which are no longer available. Please avoid using them.

  • NINJA2021

How to Redeem Gift Codes in RAID: Shadow Legends

In case you don’t know how to redeem the codes above, simply follow our steps:

  1. Open the game, on the left sidebar, you will see a Promo Code option.
  2. Enter the code from our list above then press Enter to get the rewards.
  3. You will see all of the rewards in your in-game inbox.

use raid shadow legend codes

How to use RAID Shadow Legends Codes Effectively

To use the code effectively in RAID: Shadow Legends, it depends on your situation in the game.

  • If you are a very new player and don’t have many hero maxed out yet, use the rewards to max your starting Champions out.
  • If you are new to the game and only have a few foods, use the resources for farming foods during respective events regarding level/upgrading Champions.
  • If you have some maxed Champions already, you can use the code resources for farming Masteries!
  • Depending on the types of codes, there are different types of rewards you could obtain. Make sure to check out our RAID guides for the best ways to make the most of them!

When does RAID: Shadow Legends have promo codes?

Since 2018, the game has been always one of the best RPG gacha games among the community. However, not like the other games, which usually release a lot of free codes to grow up the fan base, RAID didn’t have any code system back then, and is only for players who are serious at grinding.

In 2021, Plarium finally released the code system, giving players a lot of opportunity to grow right from the beginning. The game is now a lot easier for new players as people just didn’t have any free stuff back then to speed up the game progress.

Building up a Clan Boss team is now a lot easier, and getting some Legendary heroes is easier than ever. Before, it would take you a year to build up a decent Clan Boss team, and another year to have a decent team with good gears for dungeons such as Dragon, Fire Knight, etc.

It was first released in the co-op with NINJA. And NINJA is a code that you shouldn’t ignore.

Also due to this, there are a lot of fake websites trying to scam new players who don’t have a good understanding while using the internet.

Please do not fall for those websites who ask for your account information, or ask you do to anything to get the promo codes. It’s because your account will get banned for spamming a lot of invalid codes. But the most important thing is that you could lose your account forever.


There are a lot of people getting hacked, well, not really hacked as they shared their account information for the scammers. And there are a lot of people selling hacked accounts on the internet lately.

So make sure you have a trusted page to check the codes.

To keep things easier, simply bookmark this page and empyreanrule will do the best to keep you updated with a lot of codes in the future, because we will have some of the biggest holidays of the year coming soon!

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